GIZ: Tailored Advice and Funders for Tech Entrepreneurs
We have extensive experience in technology and finance. Below is just some of our work.

raised for startups in program
industry-leading reports
in-depth funder profiles
templates, videos, and resources
Nairobi, Kenya
Lagos, Nigeria
The Make-IT Guide to Investment for African Entrepreneurs is a novel approach to providing tailored advice to startup founders in Kenya and Nigeria.

“The online entrepreneurs' guide to investment not only explains who to approach for funding, but how to do it, as well.”
The mission of the Guide is to help entrepreneurs access funding for their startups. This is done in two ways: first, by offering advice tailored to an entrepreneur’s specific situation, and second, by offering entrepreneurs a list of investors to approach for funding. The information is tailored to the stage of funding they are in, and their sector, in order to make it as informative and actionable as possible.

​The Guide has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to get a better understanding of the fundraising process, and provided them with a list of investors to approach for funding. Thousands of people have accessed the content in the Guide, through both the online and the print versions.

​The platform is built in a way that makes it easy to create content for new countries, add investors, and include additional information as entrepreneurs request it. It’s also highly shareable and allows entrepreneurs to easily pass information amongst each other.